Dried meat products are healthy chewing fun for dogs!
But what exactly is dried meat and how much should the dog eat?
The following article explains the manufacture process, properties and explain exactly what to look for so that the meaty snack does not cause health problems or risks for your four-legged friend.
What is Dried Meat?
Dried meat is fresh meat preserved by deprivation of water.
The drying process can take from days to weeks.
An example is beef jerky. If beef jerky is to be produced, raw beef is dried in the air. During the drying process, the meat can lose 40 to 70% of its weight.
If the product is intended for human consumption, it is usually marinated before preservation, i.e. drying or treated with various spices or herbs.
In the production for dogs, this stage is omitted, and the natural meat is dried in whole pieces. To produce 100g of dry meat you need approximately 300 to 350g of fresh meat.
By drying and concentrating the meat, it tastes particularly intense. The soft to medium-firm consistency makes it an attractive chew treat for every dog. The snack is characterised by a particularly high protein content (usually over 60%). In addition, the dried meat contains hardly any fat and carbohydrates and has few calories.
With this in mind, it can be a healthy snack alternative for dogs.
In a cool, dry place, dried meat can be kept for a long time without any loss of quality.
Is Dried Meat Important for Dog Nutrition?
An appropriate diet for dogs should contain a high-quality source of protein, good digestible carbohydrates, low fat and enough vitamins, minerals and trace elements.
With dried meat, you are basically handing your dog protein! As a healthy snack, dried meat products are very popular amongst dog owners.
The soft to medium-firm meat stimulates chewing and can contribute to tooth cleaning. Tartar is prevented, and existing coverings are abraded.
Dried meat should be exactly what the name says: dried meat.
Other dog snacks often contain high levels of grain and sugar. Also, additives are often found in many dog snacks. Excessive levels of grain in the feed, as well as flavour enhancers, perfumes, dyes or preservatives, can make the dogs sick.
Such additives can cause the dog to develop allergies that may manifest in the skin, coat or cause digestive problems such as vomiting or diarrhoea.
Food intolerances are a big problem for dog owners, trainers and vets and over processed dog snacks only contribute to the problem.
The trend is clearly to feed the dog as naturally as possible. With that in mind, you want to offer natural, poorly processed food to your four-legged friends.
Commercial foods have the advantage of being tailored to the needs of the dog in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. If you put together the ration for the dog, you should first inform yourself and know the exact energy and nutrient needs of the dog.
Otherwise deficiency symptoms can quickly occur.
Cattle-dry meat is natural meat with a high protein content and therefore suitable for nutrition-sensitive dogs.
However, if your dog does not tolerate beef or is allergic to it, you can also switch to dry meat snacks from other species.
Which Dogs can eat Dried Meat and How often?
All dogs, large or small, can eat dried meat products. Puppies with soft teeth and seniors with only a few or severely worn teeth can chew dry meat due to the soft to medium-firm consistency.
The size of the piece and the amount should, however, be adapted to the dog. For example, 1Kg of dried meat is certainly too much for a chihuahua.
Depending on the age, size and breed of the dog, there are different recommendations as to the protein content in the feed. If you feed a chewing snacks in addition to the food, it is important to ensure that this recommendation is not exceeded. If fed too much protein, the liver and kidneys of the dog are exposed to unnecessary stress.
Where and How Should you Feed Dogs Dried Meat?
Dried meat can be fed as part of the daily diet ration or as a snack in between meals. As a reward during training or in the dog school, the small dried meat sections are great!
A puppy may be relieved by chewing on the snacks during the tooth change. But even for older dogs gnawing at such products is a welcome change. It helps to overcome stress and can prevent boredom.
Dried meat products are almost odourless. Since dried meat contains little fat, chewing on the carpet or on the sofa will not leave any greasy stains.
It is important that you keep an eye on your dog when chewing any dog snack. Especially dogs that tend to snare and a prone to swallowing large bits too quickly.
What Should be Considered when Buying Dry Meat for Dogs?
Even with air-dried beef, there are differences.
You maybe be asking yourself the question: What is good quality and how do you know if a product is the right one?
The declaration on the packaging should always be carefully studied before purchasing. It should provide vital information about where the meat comes from and whether additives such as fragrances, flavour enhancers, colours or preservatives are included.
In a natural dried meat product, there are no such substances. Make sure that the products are not from unknown, Far Eastern companies.
The EU has stricter rules for the manufacture and purity of such products and the food manufacturers must abide by these rules. Moreover, the manufacturing companies are often checked by veterinary authorities.
If you follow these instructions, nothing stands in your way of feeding dried meat to your four-legged friend.
We are sure your dog will be happy about the new variation in their diet!