Bentonite Clay for Dogs

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors discovered that Bentonite Clay can be a proven remedy for many ailments. They used the fine substance for gastrointestinal complaints, as well as various skin diseases. Further research also found that Bentonite Clay can be used internally as well as externally.

To date, this remedy has proven itself and is still used by many people as a naturopathic remedy. It can also do wonders for our beloved four-legged friends!

What is Bentonite Clay?

The clay refers to a natural mixture of mineral powders which are obtained from a loam type called “loess”. Depending on the origin of the original material, the powder has different mineral compositions, which explains the many different colours in which Bentonite Clay is commercially available.

The more minerals it contains, the better and stronger the effect. In most cases, the clay used today comes from Africa, more precisely from Morocco.

After dismantling the raw mass, the Bentonite Clay is then cleaned of all pollutants, before being gently dried and then finely grounded. A particularly hot heating effect destroys any remaining pollutants and leaves only the healing pure product.

Medicinal clay is available as a powder, in the form of tablets, capsules and as a coarse granule. This variety makes it possible for our four-legged friends to consume the required dosage in various forms. For example, mixed under food or hidden in liver sausage which can be easily administered.

Also, if the clay is stored in a dry area, it is usable for many years.

How Bentonite Clay works – Humans and Animals

On the whole, the effect is the same for us humans as it is for our dogs. That’s why there is no Bentonite Clay, which was designed especially for use in our four-legged friends.

If the fine powder is used internally, it binds with its sponge-like consistency in the stomach and intestine meaning all pollutants are bound together until the dog excretes them through faeces.

The positive effect is effective against symptoms such as heartburn, diarrhoea or abdominal pain. At the same time, the powder supplies the body with many important minerals which support a healthy immune system.

Externally, the Bentonite Clay has a positive influence on the skin. In addition to a cleansing function, like a gentle exfoliation, skin diseases can be relieved by the application and in some cases even cured. The minerals contained have an antibacterial, basic and absorbing effect.

What Bentonite Clay can be effective Against

  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhoea
  • Stomach pain
  • Inflammation
  • Itching
  • Skin diseases

Despite the many positive qualities, it should only be used in cases of acute illness. In the case of a permanent intake of healing clay, there will be benefits from the healing effect however, the in the long-term a result could be constipation and an overload of the organs.

If Bentonite Clay is used medically and the existing symptoms do not improve after a few days, we also recommend taking your dog to a vets.

Dog running

The Correct Application of Bentonite clay for Dogs

So that Bentonite Clay can work to its full effect, guidelines should be followed. Of course, the dosage form depends on which problem the dog has. If in doubt, consult a veterinarian or veterinary practitioner for advice to rule out the possibility of worsening conditions or to give the wrong dosage.

Internal Use and Dosage

If healing clay is used internally, it is recommended that you should choose a powder, capsules, tablets or granule form. All of these forms can be easily fed to the dog via dog food or treats. Since Bentonite Clay does not have a tasty taste, most of the four-legged friends are not particularly interested in the tablets or capsules in their pure form.

During digestion, the clay in the body swells easily and becomes a sponge-like substance in which bacteria, pollutants and other disease triggers easily get caught. The powder binds all these components and is formed in the intestine to faeces which is easily excreted from the body. Active against diarrhoea, it mainly helps to bind excess fluid in the intestines and helps to make the faeces firmer and drier.

If you want to use Bentonite Clay for gastrointestinal complaints of the dog, you should pay attention to the correct dosage. The required dosage varies depending on the size and weight of the animal and should be tailored to the needs of the dog. To avoid wrong doing and eliminate doubt, a veterinarian or veterinary practitioner should be consulted.

Small dogs 0.5 to 1 teaspoon pure Bentonite Clay per day 1-2 capsules
Medium sized dogs 1 teaspoon of pure Bentonite Clay per day 2 capsules
Big dogs 1 to 1.5 teaspoons of pure Bentonite Clay per day 2-3 capsules
Huge dogs 1.5 to 2 teaspoons of pure Bentonite Clay per day 3-4 capsules

Tip: Best purchase in powder form and mix under the food.

External Application

Healing clay can also be applied externally due to its composition. The fine powder can have a soothing effect on the skin, which can relieve inflammation and itching. Its antibacterial and analgesic components have a decongestant which is slightly dehydrating. Bacteria and excessive wound secretions are simply bound in the clay and then simply fall off the skin with the dried mass. Bentonite Clay also has a sponge-like effect on the skin. While the moist mass dries on the skin, it pulls inflammations from deeper skin layers upwards and effectively wears them off.

Due to the influence of the exogenous material, Bentonite Clay also stimulates the metabolism at the affected areas and thus helps in the natural removal of slag. Finally, the oxygen supply is stimulated and sustainably improved. This subsequently supports and promotes the healing process of the body.

Ideally, Bentonite Clay should be applied to the dog in the form of a wetted wrap that is applied to the skin. Depending on the clinical picture you should either resort to a cooled wrap with healing clay, or to a warm variant.

In the following, we will explain in more detail when which form of application is recommended.

Ingredients of Bentonite clay

In Bentonite Clay, there are many valuable trace elements and minerals. These can have a positive influence on the skin tissue and the internal organs. A healthy dog ​​does not need any additional feeding of these ingredients however, when using herbal remedies, they can effectively help to get the animal’s health back on track.

Silica is often called silicon. It is essential for the health of the skin and provides a firm, elastic skin surface. Silica positively affects the metabolism of the skin and helps to effectively fight off pollutants. In addition, silicon is important for healthy, stable bones.

Calcium is also an essential component of stable and solid bones. But calcium is also indispensable in the cell generation. When Bentonite Clay is applied through the skin, the mineral penetrates deeply into the skin cells, helping to repair damaged cells as well as to form new ones. This effectively supports healing processes on the skin.

Potassium plays a major role in the interior of a dog’s cells. Due to its electrical charge, the mineral provides a perfect balance between the inside of the cell and the outside of the cell, so that signal transmission of the cells is possible. This allows nerve cells and muscle cells to “communicate” with each other.

Iron in the dog’s red blood cells transports oxygen to the cells. As a result, they are always energized and kept alive so that they can devote themselves entirely to their task of creating a healthier body. Iron can curb inflammatory processes and help in the formation of new cells that are essential for a healing process.

The mineral magnesium is essentially involved in the body’s production of protein and thus also the muscles. Especially for injuries or diseases of joints and muscle fibres Bentonite Clay can help with the regeneration due to the high content of magnesium.

Selenium is one of the body’s own antioxidants that significantly influence the body’s protective barrier against diseases and complaints. The natural protective film of the skin is regenerated by selenium, free radicals can be repelled, the immune system is strengthened. In an inner application of Bentonite Clay, selenium helps to remove heavy metals and other impurities from the body.

When the body needs to produce new tissue, zinc is essential. The important trace element helps to create new skin cells and provides them with many important nutrients. Skin diseases can be well mitigated or even cured with zinc, injuries heal faster, and inflammatory diseases can be warded off better by the body.

Externally applied fluorine penetrates deep into the skin layers and supports the health of the blood and the skin’s own cells. Internally it has a positive effect on the stomach acid, so that heartburn and indigestion can be mitigated.

In the body and on the skin, copper has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, copper protects the body’s own cell membranes, helps in the formation of fresh blood, transports iron to their required sites and is instrumental in the body’s energy production.

Manganese also supports the connective tissue and helps to maintain a healthy skin barrier that prevents pathogens and inflammatory processes. With its antioxidant effect, manganese can also help mitigate and cure existing diseases.

Dog at the beach

Illnesses Bentonite Clay can Help With

Due to its versatile composition and the numerous positive influences on the animal, Bentonite Clay can be used against many diseases and support many complaints. In the following we would like to explain in which diseases and complaints it works for dogs and how you can best use the remedy in the specific case.

Clay for complaints in the Gastrointestinal Tract

Diseases of the digestive system are not uncommon in dogs. Whether by inferior food, congenital deficiencies or food intolerances. The complaints are often just as diverse as their triggers.

Bentonite Clay could prove to be the ideal choice for complaints in the gastrointestinal tract of the dog. It not only helps against diarrhoea, but also for heartburn, inflammation in the stomach or intestine and irritable bowel syndrome. Also constipation, flatulence or vomiting can be treated easily with the clay.

After Antibiotics

If the dog is required to take antibiotics for a period due to another pre-existing illness, the entire immune system and the natural defence of the body may be attacked. Great results can be achieved with Bentonite Clay in a colon as cleansing and gentle detoxification becomes a priority. Pollutants and negative residues are bound to the Bentonite Clay and help to rebuild a natural intestinal environment. The immune system is also strengthened, so that future diseases can be warded off even before their outbreak.

Osteoarthritis – Relieve discomfort

Although osteoarthritis is considered a non-curable disease, there are many ways to slow down the disease significantly and relieve the painful discomfort for the dog without the use of painkillers or harmful tablets. When used for osteoarthritis, the Bentonite Clay is first applied externally.

First mix the required amount of it with cold water until a firm, greasy pulp is formed. Then, apply this to the affected joints and areas and cover with an easy-to-clean cloth. Alternatively, the broth of Bentonite Clay and water can also be applied directly to the cloth and then gently wrapped around the affected area.

Important: Do not wrap too tightly to ensure optimal blood flow.

Tip: Cold wraps should be renewed as soon as the comfortable temperature subsides otherwise they will become warm wraps, which in turn radiate heat to the body and stimulate sensitive processes rather than mitigating them. Warm compresses provided with Bentonite Clay are more suitable in the case of cramps or to promote blood circulation in the dog.

Tip: With osteoarthrosis, dry food is the worse choice of food to pick for the dog due to its internal drying effect. BARF or wet food is recommended as an alternative.

Bruises, Rheumatism and Inflammatory processes

Similar to the treatment of osteoarthritis, the clay can also be used against bruises, rheumatism and internal inflammatory. When mixed with cool water and mixed into a pulpy brew, Bentonite Clay can effectively help alleviate the symptoms. The cooling effect further supports this effect and at the same time reduces the pain.


Many people are unaware that dogs can be plagued by heartburn. This usually manifests itself in unusual licking attacks (the dogs lick everything that gets in their way), constant smacking and swallowing. Excessive consumption of grass can be an indication of heartburn in the dog. The cause of heartburn is now known as gastric acid, which is present in such cases in excessive quantities.

This is exactly where the Bentonite Clay comes in. With its sponge-like action, it can bind excess stomach acid and simply transport it out of the body via the faeces. The gastric acid-Bentonite Clay mixture is neutralized in the body and thus loses its strong irritant effect. Here, of course, an internal application is recommended, especially with capsules that dissolve only in the stomach. Thus, the effect of the clay in the dog is not excessively reduced, but only unfolds its full force where it is needed.

Symptoms of Heartburn:

  • Licking
  • Constant smacking
  • Empty swallowing
  • Excessive grass consumption

Faeces Consumption

Often one thinks that the eating of foreign or own faeces in dogs is a sign of bad education, but actually this behaviour can point to deficiency symptoms. Dogs instinctively know what they must eat as soon as there is a deficiency in their body and this may include the faeces of other animals. To prevent this, Bentonite Clay can be used internally to provide the body of the four-legged friend with many important nutrients and to turn off the feeling of lack of dog. As soon as the body is supplied with all the essential vitamins, enzymes, minerals and trace elements, in many cases it also stops itself.

Side effects of Bentonite Clay

Due to its good compatibility, Bentonite Clay does not generally pose a risk or bring any side effects for the dog. So far, there are no reports of dogs that responded with an allergic reaction to the healing natural product. However, you should be careful with the use of clay in combination with tablets or other medicines as the filtering and purifying effect of Bentonite Clay can weaken the active ingredients of the medication.

Conclusion to Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy

As you can see and as stated above, there are a variety of diseases and conditions that can be alleviated or even treated using healing clay. So that it can work optimally, a high-quality product must be used to ensure purity. Possible additives, soiling or a lack of trace elements and/or minerals can significantly affect the impact of Bentonite Clay on the dog and may cause health issues if used incorrectly.

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